Artist friends #6 – Sharyn Kelly

I first met Sharyn Kelly of Shado Designs as a customer at my work in Graham Print, Omagh. More recently we have met when I asked her to facilitate a workshop for my local women’s group. We had a fantastic evening decorating jute shopping bags (which we still use) using paint, fabric and our imaginations 🙂

Sharyn has more recently been running workshops at Mullaghmore House, including felt making, papercraft and ceramic painting, particularly but not exclusively with children.

For the first time this year Sharyn is selling her own work in the Omagh Craft Collective Pop-up Shop, which includes some of her fabulous felt work which would make a stunning Christmas gift for any art fans out there

Artist friends #5 – Helen Maxted

I met Helen Maxted when we shared houses at Sunderland University in the 1990s. She was studying Stained Glass and produced some wonderful pieces of work, culminating in a stunning one metre square piece called Tempus Fugit.

Helen now lives in Whitstable, Kent and has explored other arts and crafts forms which has resulted in her focus on handmade home decor under the name of Northern Lass. She has also recently worked for artist Anna Ray on an art installation called Entangled at the Turner Margate

Artist friends #4 – Julie Murphy

Julie Murphy is an artist I only met in recent times, in the past year. She is a gifted sculptor who also works in other art forms. Nature and the creatures therein play a big part in her work and also her love of hounds – she has several rescued hounds, which feature in various works she had exhibited.

Julie is a passionate artist whose love of what she does is reflected in her work, drawing the viewer into her world.

This is a link to her Instagram account:

Artist friends #3 – LeeAnn Taggart

I have known LeeAnn Taggart for a couple of years as someone who shared an interest in patchwork and textiles, never realising that she was also an artist.

Since joining Creative Drop Stop LeeAnn has exhibited and sold several pieces. Her work is evocative and challenges perceptions. Thanks to the positive feedback she has received from family, friends and purchasers of her work, she had now set up her own art page on Facebook

I hope you will have a look and enjoy!

Artist friends #2 – Kevin Maguire

I first met Kevin Maguire several years ago through music events we were both involved in and a few times since that until last year when we were both members of a local community choir and then the newly formed CreativeDropStop.

His work is inspirational and from the heart and thanks to the encouragement he has received from recent sales of his work from exhibitions and Facebook, he has now set up his own Art page on Facebook.

Please have a look and hope you like it.

Artist friends #1 – Sarah Duddy

Last year I joined a newly formed group called Creative Drop Stop, based in Omagh and led by local artist Sarah Duddy. Since then I have discovered the joy of painting and drawing, something I hadn’t considered since I was at school.

Sarah’s encouragement has led to an explosion of new artists in Omagh, who are free to explore and find their own way.

We have had two exhibitions of saleable works so far and hope for more in the future. Several members have even felt so encouraged as to set up their own art profile pages on Facebook, with a view to selling!

Sarah’s own is inspirational and challenging. She uses traditional and modern techiques to help us see the world as a fusion of old and new – she uses oils and now acrylics and watercolours. Her work is vibrant and beautiful.

This is Sarah’s personal art page. I hope you visit and enjoy ❤

Solstice of the Moon: What on earth… — Sue Vincent’s Daily Echo

“…is that?!” I immediately went into ‘there has to be somewhere to park’ mode. You don’t just drive past a humungous mound without stopping…not when it is so very obviously man-made. And especially not when there are two of them. And in an urban cemetery, of all places! We have had a bit of trouble […]

via Solstice of the Moon: What on earth… — Sue Vincent’s Daily Echo